by Laura Brown
Why is Reynard City different?
Article by Laura Brown
Reynard City is the brain child of Will Turner. It was formed in …….. after many discussions and their dedication is shown through out the comic with their outstanding artwork (produced by some of the UK’s outstanding young artists), storylines and always keeping their audience informed with upcoming tour dates and attendance to regular comic events and the new release of the brilliant iphone app.
It is unique as it is only one of a few comics aimed at the 13 – 25 year old market. This is shown by the complexities of the characters. Sal for example, is suffering from the relatively modern psychological condition of body dismorphia. Highlighting this issue throughout the comics is aimed to help sufferers and people that are friends with sufferers to overcome this debilitation illness.
The way in which the characters illness is portrayed is highly sensitive, thought provoking yet very informative as can been seen in the issue ‘Reunited’ issue number 7 and there is also more information in the bonus issue, ‘Chubby Little Secret’. The characters are also in their early twenties and this is aimed to ensure high reader engagement.
Reynard City is supported and has been reviewed by some of the most influential people within Comics, for example
“If I don’t get the lead in the Hollywood remake, I’ll be well p****ed off!”
- Danny John Jules (Red Dwarf)
“Full of enthusiasm and raw energy, Reynard City is a charmer. Think Fantastic Mr Fox with superpowers!”
- David Gallaher (High Moon)
“Jackie Chan meets One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest!”
- Parma Ham (
This undoubted praise doesn’t go to the teams head as they endeavour to keep the comic strong and lively.
Reynard city aims to be open to their audience. Contact can be made to them and the main characters via twitter, facebook or email. This again is unique and shows how passionate the team behind the comic are with regards to audience engagement.
Reynard City are proud to be supporting the UEA headlights and on the 25th of March some of their amazing cast members of the cartoon (Rob Button voiced the villain Humiliator amongst others and Hannah Scutt did various voices, including the immortal mouse line "Kickass, free cheese" in a wonderfully squeaky voice) are doing a performance with sketch troupe Idiot of Ants on 25th March to help raise money to go to Edinburgh, and we're trying to support them with sponsorship.
Reynard City is different and proud to be that way. Get in contact with us now for sponsorship deals, advertising opportunities or to view our amazing cartoon.